If you believe in something, you should create a mind blowing positive mindset about it and keep at it until it becomes a reality. Did you know that it’s actually possible to write yourself into a positive mindset? There was a study published in the Journal of Research of Personality which proved that people who
Unity Brings True Success
Forget Divide & Conquer… Unity is the FUEL that allows Common People To Produce Uncommon Results! Great Unity makes things happen more than anything else in organizations, more than skill, qualifications or money! Whether it’s your Family, Church, Ministry, Business, Personal life. Everyone brings something different to the table, different backgrounds, different upbringings, different beliefs.
Time Management Is Your Greatest Asset
Time is Your Greatest Asset…How should you invest it? There are a million books, workshops and online classes, mobile apps all on managing time. I know because I’ve bought or used most of them. The truth is time cannot be managed. We all have the same twenty-four hours in a day and nobody has more
Whats Your Why?
This week I want you to think about YOUR WHY. What’s your why? You’ve heard me say this many times before…. This is the most important ingredient for your success! Your WHY is the fuel that keeps you going when the odds are stacked against you! Achieving success takes hard work, dedication, and perseverance. –
The Power Of The Mastermind
The power of the mastermind allows you to raise your energy your vibration and your clarity of what want or you want or do in life. To condition your mind, it’s important to find the right mastermind group and plug yourself into it. You need to insulate your mind from negativity and the association with
Financial Friday
Can you imagine making $100,000 in 2015? A Legitimate Mind Trick for Earning $100,000 is to commit to it. The second you commit to something, it begins to move into form. What thoughts went through your mind when I made that statement of making $100K in 2015? Were you excited and hopeful? or did you