Everybody loves a good comeback.
When something doesn’t go your way in life, it’s important to look at it as an opportunity to prove that you can adapt and overcome.
We all go through peaks and valleys and in the valleys is where our character is developed.
Remember, it’s not what’s happening to you, it’s what’s happening for you.
Stop worrying about the score and keep learning.
Eventually your comeback will happen and you’ll be thankful for each and every setback along the way.
You have got to expect good things to happen to you.
It’s like faith, you have got to believe before it even happens.
That’s what faith is all about.
God wants to bring you out better than you were before.
You have the ability to turn the “IMPOSSIBLE” to “I’m Possible” with just one apostrophe 🙂
Have a Blessed Sunday!
PS: Let’s connect on Facebook 🙂