The pandemic has caused major changes in consumers’ wine buying habits – with no sign of that changing any time soon. In fact, according to industry reports, nearly a million more cases of wine were shipped in the first half of this year as compared to 2019: meaning people spent an additional $220+ million to have wine delivered to their front doors. Leading the way were wines from California’s Napa and Sonoma regions. Those stats don’t come as any surprise to the team at Wine Ambassador, a Napa Valley company that caught on to the trend early and has been reaping the benefits. It is a business so successful it now ships internationally and has rapidly expanded its already popular Ambassador Program.
Consumers can join the Wine Ambassador Wine Club and enjoy monthly curated selections of wines from Napa and Sonoma or become a Wine Ambassador and and take a cut of the profits. And while the programs were previously available domestically only, shipping is now offered to locations in several countries.
Wine Ambassador’s staff travels wine country choosing vino from known winemakers, and leveraging their relationships with vintners and others in the industry. Vineyard managers then set aside the selected wines for delivery to club members and ambassadors each month along with Meet The Maker videos and educational information about the wines.
The venture was launched in 2018 by Hudson and a team of other entrepreneurs that includes a winemaker, vineyard owner, cheese maker, finance experts and digital marketers who collectively believe wine is not just a beverage but a complete lifestyle. Their goal is become the number one wine club in the world through word of mouth marketing and direct to consumer sales.
Part of Wine Ambassador’s attraction is continual introduction of new customer-centric programs. Next month they launch a 30-minute infomercial where prospective Wine Ambassadors can call-in to find out more about opportunity to participate. They also rolled out their own signature labels that include: Hudson Sparkling, Ricord Merlot, Antoniou Cabernet, Flyer Pinot, Freedom Chardonnay, More Than Muse and many others.
“Direct to consumer sales and multi-level marketing of wine is booming and we intend to continue to grow Wine Ambassador so that we can share our love of the wealth of wine with people here in the U.S. and around the world,” added Hudson.
For more information about Wine Ambassador, go to
“We don’t just ship bottles of wine, we give consumers an experience and deeper understanding of the wine they are drinking with new hand-selected wines arriving each month. It’s a great way to spend time with friends and family and even supplement your income,” explained Brett Hudson, President of Wine Ambassador.
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